Registration and Fees

Register online here.  Click here to see who is registered, or contact the registrar.

Registration deadlines:

Early registration closes on Saturday, April 1st.

Regular registration closes on Wednesday, May 31st.

Late registration closes on Thursday, June 15 at 11:00pm MDT.

No refunds after Thursday, June 15.


Friday SprintEarlyRegularLate
SI E-punch rental$2$2$2
OUSA member discount-$4-$4-$4
Junior OUSA member discount-$2-$2-$2
CTOC member discount-$5-$5-$5
Saturday LongEarlyRegularLate
E-punch rental$2$2$2
OUSA member discount-$4-$4-$4
Junior OUSA member discount-$2-$2-$2
CTOC member discount-$5-$5-$5
Sunday MiddleEarlyRegularLate
E-punch rental$2$2$2
OUSA member discount-$4-$4-$4
Junior OUSA member discount-$2-$2-$2
CTOC member discount-$5-$5-$5

*Junior = born in 1997 or later, i.e. age 20 or younger as of 6/23/2017.

Currently day of registration is also allowed – $60 for Friday sprint, $100 for Saturday Long, and $80 for Sunday middle.

Recreational courses will be offered day of race for $15 per person.  These will be manual punch and self-timed (no results/ranking) and only on White and Yellow levels (same courses as the Champs).

The various color levels at an A meet indicating shades of difficulty may be unfamiliar to you.  OUSA has a good reference here.


The group camp area near Stanley will be $10 per person for Friday and Saturday, which includes port-a-potties and drinking water.  See the Travel and Lodging page for more details.

Group Meals:

No group meal is planned currently, but may be added later with enough interest.